Average Percentage Calculator

Average Percentage Calculator

About the Average Percentage Calculator

This tool is a simple, interactive web application that calculates the average of percentages entered by the user. It includes the following features:

Features Dynamic Input Fields Users select how many percentages (up to 10) they want to calculate from a dropdown.

Corresponding input fields are generated based on the selection.

Percentage Validation:

Each input field ensures the entered value is a valid percentage (between 0 and 100).

Alerts are provided if invalid values are entered.

Calculate Average:

A button calculates the average of all entered percentages and displays the result.

Reset Functionality:A reset button clears all inputs, resets the dropdown selection, and removes any displayed result.

User-Friendly Design:

Clean and responsive layout with styled buttons for ease of use.

    How It Works:

    Selection of Inputs:

    Choose the number of percentages from the dropdown menu.

    Input fields appear based on the chosen number.

    Entering Data:

    Enter percentage values in the input fields.

    Calculating Average:

    Click the “Calculate Average” button to compute and display the average percentage.


    Click the “Reset” button to clear all inputs and start afresh.

      Use Cases:

      Useful for students, teachers, and professionals to calculate average grades, scores, or performance percentages.

      Can be employed in surveys or quick statistical calculations requiring averages.

      This tool is easy to use, and customizable, making it suitable for a variety of applications.

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